阿比-艾莉爸爸 成長歷奇

Stories about me, my family and my daughters, Abigail & Eliana.

Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.

Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Post-Exam Days

All of my exams are over! My first year at Regent is "officially" over! Thank God for such a wonderful year. I really like to share with you some of my reflections later for I need a while to write them up.
It's been quite busy after the exams. Busy with settling different matters in HK and schedules for spring/summer here. I'm going to work at Regent as an AV technician, recording/working on the sound system for chapel and evening lectures. I also have an opportunity to learn about counselling and case study with a clinical psychologist. This summer, I'll take 2 courses: Reading film - A theological Approach; and Biblical Greek. Both are very interesting to me. We'll see how the courses go!! ^_^

We've bought a secondhand van this week! It's a 2002 Kia Sedona, with 56000km mileage. It's fully loaded with special features and it comes with a deal of $5400.
This buying experience has quite an impact on me. We saw this van on the well-known free classifying/advertising website: Craigslist. I notice that buying a second-hand car actually does involve a large sum of money. I have a fear of making wrong decisions in transactions since I always have bad experiences. I just don't know if I would get cheated this time. Since I've gone through quite a few bad experiences before, I now slowly develop a mutual understanding with Connie that all the important decisions I made should concur with her comments. Connie's opinions and suggestions are really helpful and I know my ideas can be better filtered/improved out from her critical questioning character. With her full support this time, I'm happy to make this deal. I thank God for this great buy opportunity. When I was driving it home today, I was so thankful because I just love the new driving experience. May this van be a great help to those who need transportation.

Monday, April 06, 2009

奇人奇技--Abby invents a new cell phone!!

Check out Abby's new cell phone! ^_^

AbbyMommy will later post a video showing how Abby talks using this cell phone.

p.s. I can never have such flexibility!!! 甘拜下風!! ^_^

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Lost and Found

I found my long-lost wedding ring on the desk today!!! ^_^ Hurray!!
I know it's at home somewhere since I usually have it placed on the desk with my keys. But it's been out of sight for quite a while. I thought it must have been Abby who played with it and misplaced it somewhere. I told Connie about the lost and she said lightly that it would be an opportunity to buy new rings for us. There were moments that I felt so regretful for losing it and I really really hoped that it could be found. Today I just found it in the stack of erected bibles. I'm RELIEVED now and I should put it at a more secure place so that I won't lose it again. ^_^

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Servant vs Helper -- a sharing from a "master"

The recent article written by HK writer and columnist Chip Tsao (陶傑) has stirred an uproar from the Filipinos. In his article, "The War at Home", published in an online magazine, "Nation of servants" was used to mock the Filipinos in their dispute with the Chinese over the sovereignty on the Spratly Islands (南沙群島). Some Filipinos were greatly offended as they felt his words racist, discriminating, and demeaning to Filipino domestic workers in HK. Such descriptions has insulted the Filipinos and the columnist has recently apologized (in Spanish!?) during a radio broadcast programme.

Indeed, disputes among Filipinos and Chinese often really takes place at homes. Have you heard stories of domestic helpers badly treated by their employers? How they have been "used" for long hours and being cheated and humiliated in many ways. I know such stories are frequently told among the domestic helpers as they gather together on their days-off. On the contrary, stories of lazy or cunning helpers cheating their masters have also been told among employers. How these helpers crossed their lines and abused their employer's properties when the employers are not at home. Sadly, I have to admit that black sheep in both groups have brought hatred and distrust in the community. However, I start to realize the crux of the problem: a relational personhood is reduced into a functional object.

I used to call people who serve at homes as "servants". That was the only title I learned as a kid. Later I became a "master", but I have learned a better word to repect them--"domestic helper", or simply "helper". One may ask what's the difference in their nature of work besides a change of "titles"? My answer: Not much, but the ATTITUDES in both "masters" and "helpers" would be different--about Dignity and Respect, a key to restore a relational personhood among us.

Connie and I had Gee to help us when we adopted Abby. This experience of having a helper in our family was wonderful. I enjoy having a clean house all the time, especially when Abby made a mess and was later cleaned by Gee. I enjoy the yummy Chinese and Filipino food Gee cooked for us. Most important of all, I enjoy our mutual trust in our communication. And I'm sure Gee would feel the same.

From this experience, I've jogged down something I did as a "master"--my beliefs and some concrete ideas:
First thing first: Be relational
I think our first day is very crucial in building a trusting relationship. **on the first night of Gee's arrival, we had a 'family meeting'. It's like a briefing session....to let my helper know the expectations and to let her know that we trust her. I asked her to be genuine and sincere to us as our relationship is greatly built on trust. Since she's also a Christian, I shared with her a bible passage from Colossians 3:22-25 to encourage her to serve faithfully. (Note, in fact, in the context of the bible, it was about the relationship of slaves and masters. But I focused on the principles)****More importantly, I shared with her the following verse on 4:1....that being a master, I promise to treat her justly and fairly...that I would keep a good communication with her and being frank, and I would pay her monthly punctually as my duty.
I asked her to trust us and tell us if there's any needs, ESPECIALLY financially. I asked her NOT to borrow any money from others. Instead of asking others, ASK US. During her employment, Gee did ask us for some money due to family emergency....we lended her money but we also made a plan to work it out (pay back $500 each month from her salary)
Since her arrival, there're lots for us to adjust....we try to cope with a "stranger" living with us. Eating together did not cause us much uneasiness, although personal space may seem to be reduced. But we thank God for building our relationships through dining together. We also made the time to share and pray for each other. We know that it's a great opportunity to know about her and her family back in the Philippines. She would tell us her fear and worries as she faced family and financial issues. It's a good opportunity that we can pray and support each other. So we committed one night weekly some time after dinner to pray. Even though she prayed for us in Tagalong, we felt blessed by God as we serve the same master. It's something interesting to learn how to be a "boss" and treat Gee as my sister in Christ at the same time. ^_^ We had a mutual trust and we had a happy term of service for almost 2 years until I moved to Vancouver. Before the termination of our contract, God has also helped us to prepare the next employer for Gee. I'm glad for her.

I think even experienced helper needs to adjust to a new environment, so I think it's worth to do a bit of training on the first week of her arrival....to let her understand your style and routines. I remember we took Gee to the peak in her first month in HK. I like the idea of bringing her out for a short trip to broaden her views and understanding about our place, people and culture.

Food and Shopping:
I made a list of "things to buy" for daily use. At the beginning, I took my domestic helper to different stalls in the market and show her where I want her to buy things. e.g. I usually designated her to a specific veggie stall and I'd ask the shopkeeper to help sign the note. After a few days, I can just write down things to buy (in Chinese, say 1 catty Choi Sum) according to the stall # (say veggie), then she'd go to the stall and the shopkeeper would give her what I wrote.

Basically it's me who decided what to eat and what to cook....that may be different than some household that the helper would decide on what to cook instead. At the back of the shopping list, I would write down what I want to eat for dinner (or for the following few days)...then I put down the items that were needed on the front.

Gee slowly learns to cook Chinese food well according to our prefrence. She's a really good cook.

Set up a tentative schedule for the chores to be done each day. I think it's reasonable enough to ask Gee vacuum the floor once a week (in addition to her wiping of the floor with static paper every day) She could get most things done by the end of the day. After dinner, I'm glad to set out the rest of the evening as rest time for her.
Work and Rest
On holiday issues, we talked and Connie and I made sure that Gee could go to church on Sundays. We tried to free her from work on that day...even at night. There were times that we had some dishes in the sink on Sunday nights and she wanted to wash them for us. I asked her to let me do it later 'cause I think it's my responsibility on Sunday and not to take advantage of her.

Salary Payment Record:
I printed out 2 copies, one for me and one for my helper. Just make sure we sign both copies for record.

I found an interesting article responding to the current issue(link). The writer thanked the many domestic helpers in HK. At the end of her article, the write wrote down something very profounding:

I find a $25-value phone card a wonderful gift to treat Gee. She could spend more time talking to her beloved husband and kids. Also I really the idea of taking Gee to breakfast on Saturday mornings. We would go to Fairwood and would enjoy meals together as a treat for the week's labor. I can still remember how enjoyable she looked when she ate her favorite fried noodles and fish fillet. Then we'd all go to do some grocery shopping together. It's a great memory for all of us.

Abby's Adoption Story on TVB