一宗是較早前年初在落馬洲 釀成六人死亡的交通意外。司機因醉酒,導致他駕駛的中型貨車與對線的士相撞,釀成慘劇。六位受害人都是有家庭的父親,而且是家中重要的經濟支柱。這次人為的意外為這些家庭帶來無比的傷痛;將近的父親節亦會再一次勾起他們的傷痛。
這誤殺意外令我想起聖經中神為誤殺的也設立逃城安置這些人。期待對這些經文有更深的了解。對罪帶來的consequences and brokenness, God cares.
慘遭二百磅鐵閘壓死的慈母林中偉,生前有一個夢,盼兒女學業有成,一家人環遊世界,但如今美夢成空,子女愁對本周日的母親節及十餘日後的亡母誕辰,在台灣讀大學的二十一歲長女,事發當天趕回港,昨日攙扶哭成淚人的父親四處奔波辦理母親後事,怒指家中經濟已陷困境,殮葬成疑,有關部門仍是「光說不做」。「明日是我生日,過兩日是母親節,十九日又是母親生日,每年五月原都是一家人最歡樂的日子,可是今年五月沒有母親,不知怎樣過?」二十一歲劉妙玲是林中偉的長女,前日從台灣返港後趕到紅磡事故現場,看到平日硬朗的父親失去妻子,滿眼淚痕,她知道目前要強忍悲慟,擔負起家庭的重責。丈夫說:「我一定會追究……,發現鐵閘有問題,無人處理,今次只係我太太唔好彩。」長女妙玲硬咽說:「媽咪在我們心目中好重要,這件事對我們衝擊很大。」兩父女語畢都泣不成聲。劉妙玲在台灣高雄輔英科技大學 讀護理系一年級,十六歲的弟弟是應屆會考生,十歲的三妹讀小五,僅六歲幼妹讀小一,妙玲提起自己一家曾經是快樂溫馨的家庭時,倍感悲傷。年僅六歲幼女未懂事,以為母親去天堂旅行,每日為慈母祈禱,又寫信叫她早日回來,妙玲和二弟聞言頓感哀傷,不敢哭出來,還要安慰妹妹,但是,姊弟對自己前途,則茫然不知該怎辦?
阿比-艾莉爸爸 成長歷奇
Stories about me, my family and my daughters, Abigail & Eliana.
Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.
Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.
Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.
Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
2 important mentors that shape my life at Regent
These two are my professors at Regent--Darrell Johnson and Rikk Watts. They both inspire me in many ways in my first year of study. I am so impressed by their love to Jesus, which inspire me to know our Lord Jesus more personally, with a deeper conviction.
My first encounter with Darrell was during the orientation. While I was overwhelmed by the culture shock and unforeseen reality, God used Darrell to speak into my heart. (see this previous post) The benediction he proclaimed in the chapel is still vividly pictured in my mind. Darrell has a caring pastoral heart that he's like a spiritual father to me. I only had a course with him this year, on the soul of ministry. From the lectures, I start to recognize signals given by my body, allowing me to pay attention to the needs physically and spiritually. I am also "aware" of my identity, that I can also be Jesus' beloved disciple. To me, it is a profound experience. Rather than a deep yearning of seeking recognition and affirmation (from God or others), I am now at ease for I know that I'm loved and accepted by God. In the future, I really wish to have more of Darrell's lectures (especially on preaching and pastorla care) if God wills.
Rikk is my professor of the New Testament Foundation course. Rikk impressed me with his passion to Jesus. I am always touched when he talks about Jesus. Rikk is a great scholar and he enlightens me especailly the way to read Scriptures and the Gospels with a historical aspect. I now notice that it's very important to have a proper worldview in order to understand the Scriptures. What was it like to Jews and Romans in the 1st century? What were their concerns? How did Jesus spoke to them? I find it very fruitful to be in Rikk's lectures. I am also inspired by his saying that it would be great to preach something about Jesus in every sermon. I hope I can also help others to know about Jesus in my teachings/sermons. I shall miss his exegesis class (how to interpret/read the bible) next year, but hopefully I can take other courses with him in the future.
I can see their love to Jesus in their words and deeds and I'm deeply touched. I really wish to be like them one day, having the same passion to witness/share about Jesus to others.
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