阿比-艾莉爸爸 成長歷奇

Stories about me, my family and my daughters, Abigail & Eliana.

Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.

Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Today could have been Eliana's birthday

Today is such a day to remember. It's Eliana's expected due date!! Indeed, Eliana has been with us for more than 2 weeks now. To us, these days were mixed with excitement and confusion, joy and pain, great satisfaction and tiresome nights.

Today, I wish to take this opportunity to count our blessings:

Thank God for a healthy, beautiful daughter. The delivery was safe despite of a little complication. The timing was amazing. If it were happened the night before, we would not be able to reach St. Paul Hospital due to the jam-packed road on a firework show evening. If it were happened during the day, we would be stuck too due to the downtown parade.

Thank God for giving Eliana a quiet soul. She is a sound sleeper, and only cries in 3 cases--when she is hungry, need a cuddle, or a soiled diaper. She's an automated alarm, reminding us to feed her every 2-3 hours.

Thank God for arranging a great midwife service for us. We've been well supported and cared by Heidi and Saras, whether before, during, and after the delivery.

Thank God for a completion of the intensive Greek course (the so-called 'Suicidal Greek') With the support from my teacher and commrades, I was able to finish it well.

Thank God for having my mom over to take care of our daily needs. Mom has helped a lot in Connie's quick recovery.

Thanks to all our friends and families for loving us, whether from Hong Kong, Vancouver, or other parts of the world. Thank you for the prayers, blessings, and gifts.

I invite you to celebrate with us. Enjoy Eliana's photo album.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

BB 出世了

BB 出世了!竟然是女!(之前看過Connie肚的形狀的人, 99%的都猜會是仔!) Connie 和我其實都好開心是女!她名字是鄭允兒--天父應允禱告而生的女兒,英文是Eliana,是希伯來名,意思也是God answers 。




對Connie來說,休養好身體固然是重要,可是卻被各種挑戰包圍著。學習餵人奶的她由沒有奶到現在已「上奶」,但仍要承受乳頭及乳房的痛;另外生產時因用鉗子造成的 3rd degree tear 傷口;再加上身體的賀爾蒙轉變,她身心默默承受的痛畢竟不是我可以輕易明白的。我只願可以學習支持她、為她打氣。請大家亦在禱告中記念她。而我的暑期密集課還有一星期才完結,小B提早出世確實影響我原先的計劃,但沒法子了,that's life。希望可以快快的以新的讀書模式完成課程,成績未必會最理想,但我只願好好完成最後的階段。




Abby's Adoption Story on TVB