阿比-艾莉爸爸 成長歷奇

Stories about me, my family and my daughters, Abigail & Eliana.

Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.

Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pilot View of an autopiloted train

Isn't such a view fascinating? I feel like riding on a roller coaster! In fact I was riding the newly opened Skytrain Canada Line, which goes from Downtown Vancouver (Waterfront) to Richmond and the airport. It reminds me of the Ma On Shan Line I used to take in Hong Kong. The big differences are: 1) Now I can see a wonderful view at the front. 2)There is actually NO driver. The trains are autopiloted indeed. How efficient and amazing!

ps: One more big difference than the railway in Hong Kong: People just have to honestly purchase their fare, and then they can head to the platform without passing any gates at the entance/exit. With a bus pass, it's a real convenient way for me to get on a train! ^_^
More photos of the trip are available on my facebook album:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Abby's first pre-school experience

Abby had her first day of pre-school yesterday. Her school is nearby with a 10 min. walking distance. What a great exercise opportunity for post-labour Connie!! ^_^ Abby's school features the Montessori teaching method, which allows individuals to learn according to one's own pace. Connie and I hope that Abby can learn well step by step. Located at the basement of a church, her school is not a big one, with only 1 classroom. Yes, a classroom at the basement...But surprisingly, it is a large well-lit and well-equipped classroom indeed.

With limited English vocabulary, off she went. In fact, she enjoyed her first school day with 7 other kids, learning new songs, painting, and making crafts. Her teachers made compliments of her participation and we're glad for their positive feedbacks. May Abby enjoy learning and making friends at school in the months along.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009




以下就是這個壯麗的畫面,令阿比有如此的想法。期待日後帶女兒到美麗的水簇館欣賞上主創造的偉大。(公公婆婆,在溫哥華也有一個Aquarium,你們來到時我們一起去看看啦!Thank you Denis for sharing this video! ^_^)

Sunday, September 06, 2009

雙喜 Double Happiness Double Blessings


好感謝天父,今年有教會的弟兄姊妹,共九個家庭來為Elly慶賀她的滿月。感恩的是天氣預測已知道當天會下雨,起初還想過要取消昨日的活動(因原打算在後園舉行),但幸得慷慨的屋主支持,讓我們使用他們家偌大的開放式廚房及客廳來招呼到來的大小朋友。像領養阿比時為她舉行的歡迎會一樣,有美食、小遊戲、分享、祈禱、以及朋友及家人的祝福。願他日Elly能透過相片記下的歡樂來感受弟兄姊妹(哪怕到時像Ivan所說,那些uncle auntie已變成公公婆婆!)對我們一家的愛。


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

New School Term: Prologue

There're two more weeks before Year 2 starts. Am I ready? I've ordered/bought most of the books needed for the school term. After checking the syllabus of the upcoming four courses (Biblical Exegesis, Hermeneutics, Pastoral Care, and Introduction to Christian Counselling), I felt a bit stressed about the upcoming workload. Still, after studying a year of foundation courses, I'm looking forward to these Year 2 courses, especially Exegesis, because I really wish to learn how to read/understand the bible well. I've made a glimpse of its textbooks, and I'm loving them!

During summer, I have the opportunity to review my financial and vocation issues. With our current financial status, we'll be able to stay for one more school year. Various plans have swung back and forth in my mind to cope with the reality. Once again I need to ask myself why I am here and the goal for this education. I recall from the beginning that I've never been called as a minister/pastor, though in school I have developed more sensitivity of a pastoral soul. Yet, my promise of going back to teach at APS would eventually lead me to focus on children ministry in a primary school setting. I always see it as a wonderful ministry: a great setting to tell God's good news to my students through fellowship, assemblies, and graduation camp; in a class setting, there are more opportunity to systematically teach about the bible and spiritual practice to the young kids, building a firm foundation of faith since their young age; we can reach out to their parents through parental support group; more importantly, with a united heart in serving in school, I'm not working alone but with great commrades of fellow staff and teachers; I see this service in school is as important as the service in a "church" setting.

Now my concern is: Am I "qualify" to serve in a school setting without a master degree? I should have better communicated this concern with my principle before leaving. I do treasure the MDiv program as I really like this comprehensive and systematic study of Christian faith and practice. However, if I cannot complete the program as planned, I still have no regret. As I'm thankful that this learning experience here at Regent has opened my mind in further pursuing growth in knowledge and maturity. It won't be accomplished with a 4-year program but would take a whole lifetime. I'm thankful that I now have a better glimpse of what books I should be reading in the future. For example, books on history, spirituality, biblical studies, and more...would a DipCS be qualify to take up a ministry position at APS? I would need to find out.

With this struggle, my fear came along. I thought that I would not be able to serve God well, whether in church or in school. It all stems from a harsh self-examination. I became confused about my character. I find myself so much shortfalls to become a mature and skillful person. I lost confidence in strengths/talents and I see myself better to be content of being a plain ordinary person. There were times that I would want to retreat everything back into my past (comfort zone).

Today, as I was reading the textbook of Pastoral Care class (The Crucifixion of Ministry, by Andrew Purves), I was struck by a passage:

"Ministers can't forgive sinners, raise the dead or bring in the kingdom of God. Neither can we grow congregations, convert sinners or heal the dying......has taught me that Jesus has to show up and do what he has promised to do......I was suddenly aware that our attempt to be effective ministers is a major problem. We are in the way. Our strategies, action plans, pastoral resources and entrepreneurial church revitalization techniques have become not the solution but the problem. Our ministries need to be crucified. They need to be killed off."

I echoe with the above passage as it points to the problem of my fear--I had a wrong attitude that focuses too much of myself rather than my Lord Jesus. May my attitudes be fine tuned before the beginning of Year 2, and bring me back on a right track of ministry in the future.

Abby's Adoption Story on TVB