阿比-艾莉爸爸 成長歷奇

Stories about me, my family and my daughters, Abigail & Eliana.

Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.

Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


今天我和Abby單獨相處了一段很好的時光!事緣在崇拜後,我+太太+夫婦小組去探望一位在九龍塘浸會醫院的組員,為了避免Abby在醫院受感染,我和Abby往浸大一遊。Connie與我在車上討論時,Abby好像明白我們的對話而作出抗議^_^,但到後來與Connie分開時卻沒有喊,我就用揹帶帶著Abby結果到了又一城,Abby很乖地跟我一起逛商場,我第一站便去了Page One書店。除了自己想看看書外,我還想Abby喜愛看書。其實我和Connie這兩星期來都在Abby睡前與她一起看兒童聖經,向她指指圖片,講吓故事,可惜效果不是太理想。今日我和Abby在那麼多書前,她反應不錯,我向她展示一些講顏色的書(不是為兒童寫的,而是為設計、美術科的那些教科書),她一邊用手指仔指著顏色,一邊「呀呀」與我討論。我們在書店都度過了相當長的時間。(應該有一小時呢!^_^)然後因為Abby有點流鼻水,我決定到KFC買個tea,然後可以用紙幫Abby抹鼻水。當Abby看見我很享受一件雞上脾時,她也「呀呀」向我要求咬一口,我就用口咬了一小啖,然後像小鳥餵雛雀般餵給她吃,她也頗喜歡呢!再過了不久後,Connie便回來與我們會合了。我對這次的經歷很高興,可以與女兒這麼平靜地度過一段時間,她願意跟我一起可算是一個突破,對我這個阿比爸爸很有鼓舞呢!^_^


  1. Congratulation!!!
    Now, you will understand how God as our Heavenly Father rejoice when we abide in him always.
    Your Earthly Dad

  2. Happy for you, hope this is only the beginning of a loving and fulfiling together time with your daughter, whether as a family or one to one. it is good to see you and Abby enjoy each other's companion.

  3. Add oil Add oil Philip, it is not easy to be a father but I will pray hard for Connie and you and Abby, may you enjoy every moment with Abby and I believe she will know how deep your love to her!! :) :)I keep reading Connie's blog everyday and so happy to know about Abby & you two's life everyday. God blesses you and your family, Philip & Connie!!

    Helen from Toronto


Abby's Adoption Story on TVB