阿比-艾莉爸爸 成長歷奇

Stories about me, my family and my daughters, Abigail & Eliana.

Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.

Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The theme of the recent sermon series is "The wholeness of life". It touches on one important issue the unmarried Christians (singles) are easily misled nowadays: Singleness is less than truly human.

I am grateful to hear from the pulpit that the wholeness of life is to live a Christ-centered life (click for a revision). The biblical teachings never defined a person in terms of being married or not. What an important truth that is easily forgotten nowadays!!

Yet even among our congregation, I confess it is easy to be insensitive to brothers or sisters who are struggling with "being single". Our un-intentional words/gestures/actions may like salt sprinkling on the wound. As I reflect more on such struggles, I acknowledge it's not easy to go through the mixed emotions of being lonely, shameful, and regretful. The dynamics of loniness and yearning for intimacy play an important mood factor within. The feelings are so real to my past experience.

I notice a process of grieving should be involved in order for one to move on. The video made by the Art Dep (Click to view) well triggered the frustration one may face. I recall my own frustrations that overwhelmed me years ago that I found myself indulged in pornography and masturbation. Only when I realize the notion behind was about longing and intimacy, then I begin to see my real needs. Man, thank God for such a gracious revelation back in my days of struggle. It helped me to go through the grieving process quicker.

The recent Pastoral Care class on sexuality echoed with this sermon series. I was deeply touched by identifying the needs behind the issue:

A brief note from the lecture:
On Longing…a longing of intimacy with God…all our longings are symptomatic to our longing for God…if it’s not fulfilled, we will put expectations on other longings; and often the expectation is so much that you can’t be satisfied.

On Intimacy…we were made into intimacy…not just relationship, but also sharing of our inner selves…a quest to connect with right intimate relationships:
Relationship with creation / relationship with self / relationship with others / relationship with God

But twisted…e.g. longing for the relationship with creation becomes Mother Earth…‘Mother Earth’ (We should called it ‘sister’ or ‘brother’ earth instead ^_^)

Even now after getting married, I understand that the yearning for intimacy and longing is still present. Yet I thank God for giving me the chance for experiencing true relief in Him. For the past term at Regent, I see the reality of brokenness from sin, the grace that God has been showing, and the wholeness of life that can only be found in Jesus alone.

In practice, I'm learning to be intimate with God. Moreover, I'm learning how to be relational with others. I guess it takes my whole life to learn and experience well. I wish that WE can go further together.

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