阿比-艾莉爸爸 成長歷奇

Stories about me, my family and my daughters, Abigail & Eliana.

Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.

Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My brothers and sisters, I Invite you to share with me some thoughts...

I have been greatly impacted by the Manila hijack incident for the past few days.

Being saddened by the tragedy and disappointed by the poor handling, I grieve with many others. Anger seems to be one of the emotions that come along with this tragedy. I see many Hong Kong people expressing their anger and frustrations verbally online. I can understand their reactions, yet I don't agree with the slanderous accusations, especially towards ordinary Filipinos.

Now I ponder:
How would this affect our corporate worship this Sunday? Thinking of our communal congregation, how should the pastoral team/lead worshippers respond to this incident through prayers, songs, scriptual readings, and sermon?

I still remember the first Sunday after the June 4 incident, our worship service was very different than our usual one. It was a lament service which I saw many grieving for the victims and nation. I was only 13 and I can no longer remember the details. But apparently, Christians can express their grief and concerns corporatively in worship services, providing that it is being encouraged among the worship ministry team.

What's your thoughts over this concern? How would you plan/make changes to this coming service?

How should one respond to one's anger and expressions biblically in this context?

Thursday, August 19, 2010


昨晚我偶爾上到電視三色台網頁,看到今一屆參加香港先生競選的介紹。當我好奇地看一看不同參賽者的檔案,參賽者的檔案中有兩欄問到自己最滿意的(身體)部位,以及最希望改善的部位;另外,參賽者亦從網民投票中得出網民對其個人特質的評分:分別從「人氣」、「型格」、「談吐」、「魅力」、和「氣質」中看看自己的表現和得分。不過最吸引我看的是參賽者的參賽原因。因有參賽者道:I want a self achievement before 30. Breakthrough and reach to another stage of life (想在30歲前有所成就,突破自我,向人生另一階段邁進) 。我心暗暗欽敬這參賽者的想法…umm… achievement before 30。想一想自己也已過了這個年紀,自己是否一個追求有achievement人生的人?


從網頁的活動相片及一些對以往香港先生競選的回憶,比賽都是大概圍繞「晒肌肉」、才藝表演、答問,以及逗女藝人嘉賓及司儀們歡心的環節。心想,其實香港先生競選無非是在那些參賽者中從眾多條件中選出最受人歡迎的一個,亦為參賽者提供知名度及進入影視娛樂的門徑。問題還在:什麼是「香港先生」/「港男」?一個「香港先生」應具備什麼條件?社會上對男子漢的看法是受民族及身處的文化stereotyping主觀印象影響。是要有過人身材、口材、受女性歡迎?抑或是學歷、財力、社會地位? What’s a man? 我作為男性,‘Man’ 些是否對自己性別的應有取態,令自己在朋輩中及社會裡取得認同?



我期待和其他男子漢、香港先生,散發真正 ‘manhood’ 的氣息!我會成為真正的「香港先生」!

後記:大學時代的roommate—Raymond時常用一句 “Be a man!” 去鼓勵、鞭策大家做個真正男子漢。今日就讓我以此和其他男仕說聲 “Be a man!”

Saturday, August 07, 2010

I'm enrolled in a new degree program--Master of BBQ

This summer, I've been able to try a number of BBQ dishes.
This is one of the most interesting assignment so far--my favorite pork belly

Special thanks to Marine Li from Toronto, who generously share with me this recipe.

材料 : 五花腩肉 2-3 斤 粗鹽 適量
醃燒肉料 : 紹興酒 1 湯匙, 幼鹽 2茶匙, 糖 1/2茶匙 , 五香粉1 茶匙

1. 先用刀在五花腩肉表皮上刮去污穢物及毛, 用水洗淨, (Optional step: 再將五花腩放入滾水內煲大約10-15分鐘至五成熟, 然後取出過冷河)
2. 五花腩抹淨.. 抹乾. 將紹興酒抹上五花腩上. 再將其他醃料拌勻後再平均抹上.... 皮不用醃..
3. 再把全塊豬皮篕上鹽,放入雪柜at least 5小時。用鹽焗的方法是令到豬皮表面水份全部蒸發, 達至表皮鬆脆效果. 所以, 沒有被鹽覆蓋的地方表皮會較韌.
4. 預熱焗爐至380F,把肉從雪櫃取出,把豬皮上的鹽全部刮走,然後用幾油捽勻豬皮,放入焗爐, ,焗45分鐘至熟,
5. Set 焗爐 to BROIL. 焗多大約8分鐘至豬皮全起細泡。

This is quite simple, isn't it? Bon appetit! ^_^

Abby's Adoption Story on TVB