阿比-艾莉爸爸 成長歷奇

Stories about me, my family and my daughters, Abigail & Eliana.

Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.

Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Moments to treasure about

Guess what's the treasure that these men are digging for?

Sewage pipe!!
Recently, the sewage pipe in our house is found to be "invaded" by tree roots. The result from that was devastating--clogging the water system of the house, and sewage flooded the basement where we are living. The flood contaminated the carpet and the base of the dry walls, cultivating toxic mold that would harm our health. With the swift decision made by our landlord, we now move up one level and live with our landlord's family.

It's been a week, and Abby, Connie and I got adjusted to the new setting quickly. I think little Abby is the happiest one for she can play with her little friend (the daughter of our landlord) all the time now. We've a closer encounter with our landlord's family. We sometimes cook and eat together. We share the living room. I feel that we're like camping together, renting a comfortable lodge. I'm grateful that we can care for each other despite of our differences in daily routines. We're thankful for the thoughtful considerations from our landlord's family. I pray that our presence would not bring too much inconvenience to them.

With the re-installation of the sewage pipes, dry wall, tiles and carpet, the whole restoration project will take about a month. Meanwhile, our staying with our landlord would be a treasurable memory for us.

Other updates: The toughest moment in my study is coming--I've a take home midterm exam to write for my New Testament course. There are more than 600 pages of textbook to read but I only got 3/5 of it done.....really need more efficiency and memory to absorb the content. Besides, two 2000-word papers are due soon, with another Hebrew test coming......life is just full of challenges!!!

1 comment:

  1. What an adventure! You are fortunate that moving up with them was an option.


Abby's Adoption Story on TVB