阿比-艾莉爸爸 成長歷奇

Stories about me, my family and my daughters, Abigail & Eliana.

Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.

Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

08 Biggest Christmas Surprise

Something astonishing that Connie and I found out this week: Connie is PREGNANT!!

Such finding is very surprising if you know our story of adopting Abby. We've been trying to have our biological one but have never been sucessful. Even the doctors diagnosed us with 'unknown' reason for infertility. So this breaking news was really unbelievable at the first instance. In fact, our finding led us to thank God for what He has been doing, especially an incident that take place last month......

Connie had had gone through really tough time as being "barren". This sense has never fully disappeared with the arrival of Abby. But in one of the sermon last month, God used His scripture in John 5 (The healing of the a lame man at Bethesda) to encourage Connie: "Do you want to get well?" Connie felt being challenged to ask God for healing her brokenness. Our pastor prayed with us after the service and Connie was relieved after acknowledging her brokenness. A month after that service, surprisingly, Connie is now pregnant!! We are amazed with God's healing, not only spiritually, but also the physical 'gift' that He has given us. This is surely our biggest present for Christmas this year.

There are complications. For Connie has no MSP (the health care system in Vancouver) coverage at the moment (she's still holding a visitor status). I have a Canadian citizenship and has sent in application in sponsoring Connie's permenant residency, but it'll take quite a while to process. Meanwhile, we'll have to pay all the medical expenses which would be free if she is MSP covered. We hope that her status can be settled by the time our baby is dued. We just have to go through a new path of faith. We know that God will provide our needs when He gave us this gift. We trust that God will lead and help us, we just hope we can have more faith in witnessing God's grace and His wondrous plan for us. Please remember us in your prayers and share with us our joy.

How are we feeling? Connie did not feel so secured at the beginning, and she gave herself the worst scenario that would happen. We just need some time to 'believe' this would happen to us. But over the past few days, she is feeling more 'real' about being pregnant. She would get tired easily now and would need more rests. I'm grateful for the timing. I'm having my term break and can take more care of Connie and Abby. I'm doing the cooking and cleaning and most of the housework, so I feel more responsible and committed as a husband and daddy. I imagine if this were to happen during my stressful moments in the school year, I would not feel much joy. The baby is expected to be delivered in August, which will be during my summer break. I guess it would be the best time for I can be more available in taking care of the family. With the tension in workload and finance, this is surely a journey of faith to us. Please stand by us to see how God works with us. ^_^

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