阿比-艾莉爸爸 成長歷奇

Stories about me, my family and my daughters, Abigail & Eliana.

Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.

Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Crazy snowstorm!!!

Snow has been pouring over North America this week. Do you find it fun? From the three of us, only I got the most interest in snow. Connie finds it too cold to stay out and prefers to stay in cozy warm indoors. I tried to get Abby's interest in playing in the snow, but she wasn't too fond of it. I'm the 'kidult' who still enjoy all sorts of activities with snow like skiing, snowfighting, toboganning(sliding downhill with a board)......except one thing: DRIVING in the snow!!

My home is surrounded by slopes, so I've to drive uphill or downhill to get to different places. You can imagine driving downhill is very dangerous while the road is covered with snow/black-ice. But I have never thought that it is also very difficult to drive uphill in such cases. There was once that the wheels of my car was just spinning on the spot while I was driving uphill. The car didn't go up. I had to switch to a lower gear at the end to drive up to the hill safely.

Even worse, I GOT STUCK in the snow THREE TIMES IN AN HOUR!!!! It was once when I suggested to go to the park nearby for some snow fun after a heavy snowstorm. It would be a ten-minute walk at most, but to do a favor for Connie, we decided to drive there. It should only take 2 minutes, but we took an hour!! The snow was so much that it could reach my knees. Roads here in Vancouver are not so well swept, especially the minor roads in the neighbourhood. My car first got stuck in one of the neighbouring streets. Then we arrived at the park and I tried to find a spot to park the car. As I have mentioned, if the roads are not well swept, not to mention parking spots (especially the ones in the park)!! My car got stuck badly and it took me a long while to get out. I had to shift the gears to go back and forth, and got out of the car from time to time to clear the snow near the wheels and the bottom of the car. I was right beside the park but I was stuck!! After a long while, we're cleared to go. I thought there would be a better place to park, so I drove to another path. However, I couldn't find an appropriate spot to park and my car was stuck AGAIN!!!! I HATE BEING STUCK!!!! This time, a friendly man drove by and he got out of his car to help pushing my car out of snow. I really thanked this man. As I got out, I felt totally defeated and had no more mood to play in the snow. I drove back home and found it so stupid to get stuck in the road so many times within the hour. Ironically, Abby was sleeping through the whole time while we're stuck!!!

As Connie suggested, I think I should have a shovel ready in my car in case more of these incidents happen again. ~_~ What a pity!!!

I was not the only pity one. I heard from others that one had lost his keys while shoveling snow. Another lost his cell phone in similar case. Would you enjoy finding your keys/cell phone in the snow? ~_~

Snowing is so pretty, but don't feel too romantic for it ^_^

Despite the beautiful branches coated with snow, you can click the picture and take a closer look at the cars at the background and you'll see how badly cars can get stuck.


  1. i would like to go out and play in the snow too. but i was too afraid to drive on these roads. i was stuck once, and I decided to stay home.

  2. yes, the roads are really bad. Better just walk and treat it as exercising ^_^

  3. 我見到這封相已經覺得我會凍死了!無論穿多少衫,一走出去,不少一分鐘已經凍僵了。我在倫敦曾試過0度走在腳上,凍到不懂反應,嚇死志文....哈哈!我想,來加一定要在10月前進行....

  4. Connie survives even she really cannot stand the chill. You'll be alright ^_^ But I'm sure you'll like Vancouver in summer/fall more.


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