阿比-艾莉爸爸 成長歷奇

Stories about me, my family and my daughters, Abigail & Eliana.

Abigail Jackline--Father's joy. To Connie and me, Abigail is a wonderful blessing from God, our precious jewel. God blessed us with Abigail as Connie and I went through the journey of infertility.

Eliana Faith--God answers. God hears our cries and heals us not only emotionally, but He also gives us Eliana, a precious gift, as a sign of his faithfulness.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Final Dash Begins

The reading break is over and there are 2 more weeks to go!! 3 Exams awaiting next week!!!
Did I have fun over the break? Guess I was worn out by the stress that I could never have all the reading done in a week; so I was quite down in spirit with school work along the WHOLE WEEK. In fact, I did read much. I finished the "Latter Prophets" section of the bible and was left with the "Writings". I hope to catch up more with the reading before the exam next week.

There were a few enjoyable things I did:
1) On our special day (Nov 28, the day I proposed to Connie years ago), Connie, Abby and I had a city tour near the Kitslano area. We drove around and had lunch at a Greek restaurant. The food reminded us of our wonderful honeymoon trip in Greece. Connie was really glad that I could spend some time with them during the break, and I felt very relieved for her delight.

2) I'm now a fan of Joe Zheng 鄭元暢 and Ariel Lin 林依晨--the two hottest idol in Taiwan!! Recently, Connie has been so attracted by a Taiwanese drama series, and she was very fond of the two leading actor and actress. I took a peek during reading and eventually I was also attracted by them. Part I of the series was about their dating at their high-school and uni years. Part II of the series was about their relationship development after marriage. The interactions and dialogues of the idol series were sometimes quite hyperbolic but hilarious. I find it very interesting to see the development of their relationship. Indeed I treasure the moments when I disscuss with Connie about the various stages in their relationship. I long to love Connie more dearly. Connie finished the DVDs, and we're starting another series: Love or Bread「我的億萬麵包」with Joe and Ariel again!! ^_^ Only that this new series is shown weekly...we'll have to wait patiently for the weekends to come...

3) 銀河英雄伝説--I haven't been playing computer games for quite a while and I couldn't stop playing during the week!!! As a result, I sacrificed some sleeping hours and reading hours unfortunately. I still have struggles to strike a balance between work and play in terms of hours and attitudes. I really don't want to feel regretful in any cases. Nothing is perfect, isn't it?

Spiritually, it was really DARK inside me. I felt that I was put into a test in this past week and I FAILED. My stress and my viewing of comics that conveyed lustful thoughts had pushed me away from God. The sense of being a loser prevailed and I was depressed, especially when I was reading on the Prophets and was admonished by God's words. I was surprised about myself that I felt numb of my sinful rebellion. This vicious dark cycle continued to roll and there were times that I felt I had gone beyond remedy. However, when things are at the worst, they will mend under God's grace. I was reminded on God's faithfulness no matter I have failed Him many times. I was reminded on how I taught my primary students to make clever choices to avoid painful consequences. I have more lessons to learn.

Dear God, my Lord, here I am. I confess that I have all these brokenness. Please give me an undivided heart to live righteously and joyfully according to Your will.

As this first term approaches its ending, I do yearn for a deeper spiritual growth here in Vancouver.

1 comment:

  1. Christ in you, the hope of glory!
    after the exam, let's plan something to play together! =)


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